If you have followed my work for a while you know that I am NOT very consistent with writing a blog! I try... I really do, but that Panic Monster just never seems to make me do it. One of my favorite recent TED talks is by Tim Urban which so perfectly describes the what goes on in inside the mind of a Procrastinator... aka ME. Hence, while it is now May and I'm just getting around to posting these amazing images from my trip to New York City this past January.
So now that you are probably sitting by the pool, or at a great summer festival, you can dream and enjoy the beautiful images of the snow. New Orleans may be my home, but New York is where my dreams are. I love the vibe and hustle of the City, so every couple of months I like to visit alone and get lost in the magic that is NYC. And this past trip did not disappoint!
“Travel Often; getting LOST will help you find yourself”
If you like the photos, there are several prints available for sale, in both Open and Limited Editions. Simply click below.
If you liked this... click the box below to view the full Gallery of images from New York City.